At this time of the year, one can hardly turn around without bumping into another "Best of 2014" list. Last year, I did a "Best of 2013" bucket and it would be a nice tradition to continue. So, in that spirit, here's my list of the most exciting discoveries and observations of nature that I was fortunate to experience this year.
Here's one that technically doesn't count for the 2014 list although these Ancient murrelets were observed after the "Best of 2013" bucket was published. This special sighting was a great way to usher in a new year.
Ancient murrelets, New Year's Eve 2013, Protection Island NWRI didn't even attempt to do a "Best Buckets of 2014" because there is just no way I can select only a few of the amazing things that I've learned from everyone else's buckets and bucket comments this year. Many of you have truly wonderful highlights from this year and I'm eager to be reminded of them. So please, think back over the year and tell us in the comments about your most exciting moments observing nature around you.
The Daily Bucket is a regular feature of the Backyard Science group. It is a place to note any observations you have made of the world around you. Snails, fish, insects, weather, meteorites, climate, birds and/or flowers. All are worthy additions to the bucket. Each note is a record that we can refer to in the future as we try to understand the patterns that are quietly unwinding around us. Please let us know what is going on around you in a comment. Include, as close as is comfortable for you, where you are located. Follow me through the threads of memory to my personal 2014 list.