We recently took a vacation trip to Mount Rainier National Park and Mt. St. Helens National Monument in WA state.
As we went through the Mt. Rainier entrance gate, the ranger gave us a newspaper called The Tahoma News (pdf here). That first evening, I skimmed the paper and found an article (on page 9) asking visitors to contribute to a University of Washington study on the effect of climate change on the the Mountain's famous wildflower meadows by submitting dated and geo-tagged flower photos to their website. This project seemed right down my alley, or more appropriately, my hiking trails. This had the effect of changing our vacation into a "project."
The Daily Bucket is a regular feature of the Backyard Science group. It is a place to note any observations you have made of the world around you. Snails, fish, insects, weather, meteorites, climate, birds and/or flowers. All are worthy additions to the bucket. Each note is a record that we can refer to in the future as we try to understand the patterns that are quietly unwinding around us. Please let us know what is going on around you in a comment. Include, as close as is comfortable for you, where you are located.